City Manager Al Childress, Commissioner Lissette Carey and Jimmy Weekley, Mayor Teri Johnston, Terri Iannuzzi, Code Compliance’s Sophia Doctoche, and Commissioners Clayton Lopez and Billy Wardlow. Commissioner Mary Lou Hoover and Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman were in attendance via Zoom.

June Beautiful Business Award

Mayor Teri Johnston and the City Commission have recognized the The Cafe with the June Keep Key West Beautiful Award.

The award is recommended monthly by the Code Compliance Department for businesses that significantly improve their property.

Located at 509 Southard Street, The Café employs 31 people. Dave and Terri Iannuzzi purchased the popular restaurant in 2022. Dave is not only a business owner but a medical pilot. The business uses all biodegradable to go containers, bags, and utensils. The Iannuzzis believe in purchasing these products locally from other small businesses in Key West.

The menu features vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian fare. Recent improvements include new flooring, window tinting, new tables and chairs, and a new computer system.

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