City of Key West Launches Climate Adaptation Plan, Survey, and Community Conversation

The City of Key West is developing a Climate Adaptation Plan which will assess threats due to climate change, such as sea level rise, storm surge, extreme flooding events, and to develop an Adaptation Plan for the community. The City has already begun evaluating future climate change impacts on important assets within city limits. The project will culminate in a community prioritized 10-year Adaptation Plan that identify projects, budgets and grants necessary to prepare the City and its residents for future climate hazards.

The first virtual community conversation for the project will be held on January 23, 2023, from 5:30 -7:30 PM via Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the project’s goals and outcomes and ask for community feedback.  Please register for our community conversation via the QR code or this internet address:

The Climate Adaptation Plan will include public outreach meetings and community engagement throughout the project. These meetings will help with data collection, flood mapping and modeling, critical asset evaluation, and suggested City policy updates.

The City’s consultant, Tetra Tech, is leading a team of experts supporting all aspects of the assessment and plan. The project’s outcome will be a Climate Adaptation Plan that will make the City of Key West eligible for infrastructure grants including through the Resilient Florida Grant Program, of which there was over $1.5 billion in grants in the past three years.

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