Toy grenade prompts
HOB evacuation Monday
A potentially explosive situation at Horace O’Bryant School was defused Monday morning, when a toy grenade discovered under a nearby parked car turned out to be a harmless toy.
“We received a call from the school around 10:30 a.m. alerting us to a suspicious looking package or device that had been spotted underneath a car in the school parking lot,” said Key West Police Department spokeswoman Alyson Crean. “So we called in the bomb squad and had them take a look at it. As it turns out, it was just a toy, so we called off the alert. We don’t believe at this time that it was placed intentionally, so there’s no investigation pending. It’s an elementary and middle school, and the students play with all kinds of things. However, we figured it was better to be safe than sorry, so we evacuated the kids and cordoned off the building and nearby streets.”
Crean also posted several updates on Facebook to keep worried parents in the loop regarding the situation, and to advise motorists to use alternate routes.
“Everything is just fine,” said HOB Principal Mike Henriquez at around 11:15 Monday morning. “As soon as our School Resource Officer discovered the package, we immediately started moving the students to the back of the school, far away from any potential harm. As of right now, all personnel are back on schedule, and everything’s good.”
Horace O’Bryant has a history of emergency alerts at its recently rebuilt campus. Last year a student was reprimanded for bringing a pellet pistol to school that looked like an authentic firearm to the reporting officers. In another instance, a pupil was overheard making threatening statements about his classmates and teachers.
No charges were laid in either situation.


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