Roger C. Kostmayer

The good citizens of Key West are fighting for democracy and the viability of free and fair elections.  They are fighting for the rights of this and other communities to address local health and safety issues.  And they are fighting for their special quality of life on behalf of their children and grandchildren.

The Mayor and our 6 elected Commissioners are responsible for protecting our community (its health, safety and environment) and implementing the will of the people expressed by their votes.  If the City Attorney or any other public employee paid by taxpayers, fail to serve and protect the interests and will of the people, they must be replaced.  And the same applies to the 7 elected public servants.  If the current mayor and commissioners can’t, or won’t, do the right thing for their voters by standing up for them, the voters must find and elect those who will.  Everyone involved in perverting these basic rights will be tainted.

The Cruise Ship issue isn’t about parking or chickens, it’s about the life or death of both people and our unique environment. The proposed “new agreement” only favors dark money and it defies our election results.  The outrageous agreement must be stopped because it forever assures more ships, bigger ships, more crowds, bigger crowds – and, simultaneously, fewer local protections. 

Tuesday night’s meeting, starting at 4:30 at City Hall, will address the outrageous agreement and may determine our community’s fate and future – and it deserves both our attention and our action.

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