Short Answers

By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I am 23-year old male and was involved in a car accident two years ago that left me with limited motion in my right ankle and right knee. I walk with a limp and I am unable to run, squat, stand for long periods of time or go down stairs at a good pace. I always did well with girls/relationships but ever since my accident, girls never want to go further than friends. They all say it’s because they are not ready for a relationship but I think they are saying “I am not ready to be with a handicapped guy.” It’s really starting to get to me and I don’t know what to do! I don’t harp on my limitations and I live life to the fullest.

Dear Lonely:
You are lucky not to be wasting time with women who are unworthy of you. You will find the right person – and she will be worth the wait.


Dear Short Answers:
Is it a sin to fall in love with my son’s uncle? I already have a boyfriend but I am afraid that I will lose them both and both families will get mad at me. I am really confused and don’t understand my feelings. I want this person so badly but is it selfish if I continue these feelings?
Help Me

Dear Help:
This has trouble written all over it. Stay away.


Dear Short Answers:
I think I may have been the cause of my mother’s death. She was pretty sick after a surgery, with kidney and heart problems. I had to move in with her for a week. So, I brought some vodka with me and put it in a water bottle. She woke up one night and asked for water and I accidentally gave her the vodka filled bottle. One week later she died. She probably, most likely was dying anyway, but I can’t help feeling that I sped up the process. I have felt very guilty ever since. Haven’t told anyone ever about it. But I still have guilt now and then.

Dear G:
Feeling guilty is another form of grieving–but let it go. You didn’t do anything wrong.


Dear Short Answers:
I got a present from my ex on Valentine’s Day and my current boyfriend went crazy. He wants me to return the gift (nice earrings). I don’t want to and he won’t let it go.

Dear Penny:
Assuming old BF’s gift was a lovely gesture to a PAST romance, reassure current BF, keep the earrings and don’t wear them around him for awhile. If something else is going on, we bow out. 


Dear Short Answers:
I take out the trash, mow the lawn, feed the dog and leave the toilet seat down and am faithful. What more does she want to make her happy?
Good Hubby

Dear hubby:
What makes you think her happiness — or lack of it — is about you?

Life is complicated.  Short Answers isn’t.

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