By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman


Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman
Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman

Dear Short Answers:
I had minor surgery the other day and my husband needed to pick me up (because I was too groggy to drive). He forgot and I had to wait for over an hour totally humiliated in the waiting room. The same thing happened when I was having a baby. I was in labor for 30 hours. When the time came for the baby, my husband had left to eat dinner and forgot to turn his cell phone on. I am still furious about that. What’s going on here? Do I have a right to be…

Dear Angry:
You betcha!  This guy has a serious screw loose. And a serious intervention is required — by you or a marriage counselor.


Dear Short Answers:
I have been with my boyfriend for almost four years, sometimes I’m happy with him and sometimes I’m not. I feel like I can never commit myself to just him though. I am always looking for someone else but at the same time I can’t bring myself to leave him. Should I just get the guts to LEAVE and look for something new, or should I try to resolve the situation and stick with him???

Dear Un:
After four years, you should know if it’s right, and it sounds like you do. Pack up and move on.


Dear Short Answers:
I’m in the illustrious position of having to let go of someone (due to performance issues, not a layoff). No kidding, I planned to do so this Friday and, as luck would have it, she announced Tuesday that she’s pregnant. Of course, I’m happy for her, but this throws a huge wrench in my situation. I actually work for a company that has less than 50 people, so there actually isn’t anything technically improper with still letting her go. But, as you can imagine, I don’t love the idea of doing such a thing. If I don’t let her go, it means six more months of substandard work from her and another three months of maternity leave before I can even consider the firing. Or, rip the band-aid off now. What to do, what to do.
Baby-mama Blues

Dear BMB:
Later is worser (much).


Dear Short Answers:
After a four-year relationship my ex dumped me out of the blue. This was about six months ago and I am completely over him, but lately I’m thinking about the relationship and everything I did wrong. I can’t help but feel insecure and, well, dumped.  Is it healthy to re-assess the past or should I just shut it out? What’s the best path towards a little taste of self-esteem?
Feeling Dumped

Dear Dumped:
Self-punishment is best in very small doses. Take responsibility for what is properly yours — but don’t dwell there.


Dear Short Answers:
Is it okay to be engaged after only three months?
Got the Ring

Dear Got the Ring:
Engaged is okay — but keep an open mind while you get to know each other. Honest intent is lovely, but slow down a bit. Three months is still in the “anything can happen” zone.

Life is complicated.  Short Answers isn’t.
Send a question about whatever is bothering you to [email protected] or go to and a psychologist and sociologist will answer.  A selection of the best questions will be printed every week in KonkLife.

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