Cosmetic Shop again Guilty of Code Violations

Oro Gold a cosmetic shop at 518 Duvall Street has again been found in violation of city code and fined $2,000 and court cost at a code hearing Wednesday Sept 25. The business has been cited ,convicted and fined multiple times over the past four years for violating Key West city code. The business has also been the target of local consumer group, The Key West Rip-Off Rapid Response Team, that has staged sidewalk protest in front of the business.
Two citizen complaints were heard by a city magistrate last Wednesday at the monthly code compliance hearing at city hall. The two citizens alleged the business failed to provide written cost of products before their application and failed to follow proper health and safety requirements before applying cosmetics. The business was found in violation of a total of six seperate counts. The business was fined the maximum of $500 on two repeat violations of not providing a written cost estimate before applying cosmetics. The business was additionally fined $250 on four first time violations of not wearing gloves while applying cosmetics and not getting a signed consent form from each of the customers.
The Rip-Off Rapid Response Team spokesperson Bruce Mitchell called Oro Gold the “Worst of the worst Rip-Off shops in Key West. We have helped victim’s recover money several times from this business and watched as they continue to pile up code violations year after year. Its outrageous they are still in business!” 
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