Designer Consignment Charity Event to benefit

Backpacks for the children and mothers in the Bahamas

Heartpack, a new nonprofit formed in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, is dedicated to providing thoughtfully filled backpacks with educational materials, personal care kits, first aid, some bits of fun and notes of love and support to the children and women affected by this monster storm.  
The organization, which has set a goal of providing 10,000 backpacks, aims to deliver the first 3,000 in the next few weeks.
The first of many fundraising events will take place from 6:30 to 9 tonight at 3727 Duck Ave
All gently used clothing, shoes and handbags will be $20, as well as a large silent auction,” organizer Oakleigh Waits said of the sale, with “100 percent of the proceeds buying the supplies needed to continue creating the backpacks for those suffering in Grand Bahama and Abaco.”
Anyone interested in learning more about the organization, or donating may visit find them on Facebook, or follow it on Instagram: @heartpackkw 
For more information, or to donate items or volunteer to participate, email [email protected]  or call Oakleigh at 305-923-6644.
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