The Way Of The World Circa 2014


By Jeff Johnson Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I spent most of my life in the pre-cell phone era when it was possible to be inaccessible. This was an option I appreciated and often enjoyed. Today, I have a cell phone, but I sometimes turn it off when I don’t want to be … disturbed. Some of my family members and friends say I am being selfish, making their lives more difficult when they “need” to get in touch with me. I consider that expectation to be selfish on their parts.  Who’s right?
Likes to Be Left Alone Sometimes



Dear Sometimes:
Everyone deserves down time. Everyone needs to be accessible to family (most of all) and friends in Real Emergency situations. Make your preferences known. Email and phone settings allow for many options.






Dear Short Answers:
Not a question but a comment to a response (to Wannabe Me) regarding should he or should he not get a tattoo because his wife hates them. Well, I HATE them and if my husband walked into the house and said “sorry but I got a tattoo anyhow” — that would be a relationship killer. You must be nuts!
Tattoo Hater



Dear Hater:
We presume (apparently wrong in your case) that love is more than skin deep. Sorry sweetie.




Dear Short Answers:
There is a guy in town that I would love to have sex with but he’s been married for over 20 years to a woman who happens to be a friend of mine — so I figured it was never going to happen. HOWEVER — I have recently found out that he’s been fooling around with guys on the side so I figured I might have a chance. Since he’s already broken his marriage vows with other guys, would it be wrong for me to have sex with my friend’s husband?
Still a Sista



Dear Sista:
Yes, it would be wrong. What are you thinking?




Dear Short Answers,
My older sister is turning into our mother. She’s always fighting with her children, telling them what to do and who to do it with, being disappointed when they don’t do what she expects. The problem is she’s 60 and they’re grown up with lives of their own.
Should I step in and tell her where she’s going wrong in her relationships with her kids, help her kids with her or just keep my nose out and listen to her complain about how unfair her children are to treat her as they do?
Trying to help



Dear Trying
Whoa Nellie!!! Telling your sister that she is just like your mother probably won’t help since it doesn’t sound like you mean it as a compliment. If you, too, want to avoid insidious comparison, hold your horses until she asks for advice about her kids. The time and manner will present itself.




Dear Short Answers:
What is to be done about ungrateful children?

Dear Dis:
Give less.




Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.




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