Monthly Gallery Walk features Florida’s African American Landscape Painters, plus new work by Carrie Disrud and Letty Nowak. Thursday, February 1, 6-8pm

On February 1 from 6-8pm, The Studios of Key West keeps their doors open late for First Thursday, a monthly open house celebrating new exhibitions, studio artists, and current projects.

Work from the Highwaymen, Florida’s African American landscape painters, will be on display in the Sanger Gallery. From the 1950s to the 80s, this group of painters known collectively as the Highwaymen captured the look and feel of “Old Florida” with saturated colors and unapologetic nostalgia. Drawn from the collection of Roger Lightle, some of the finest examples of their work will be on view. On Friday, February 2 at 6pm, collector and expert Lightle will tell their storied history during a talk that’s free and open to the public.

 A new body of work by Key West artist Carrie Disrud will be on view in the third floor XOJ Gallery. Puzzled together in bright shapes like stained glass, Disrud’s paintings and illustrations might be fairy tales, or just scenes of every day wonder.

 The Zabar Project Gallery will be filled with Letty Nowak’s encaustic paintings and photo-transfers that feel like daydreams. From the artist made famous by “Faces of Surfing,” this new series steps away from the large-scale portraits for which she’s known.

Also this month, visitors can preview the work that will be auctioned as part of the Anne McKee Artist Fund event on February 9.

 Visitors can also stop by during regular gallery hours, Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm, to view exhibitions and projects-in-progress.

 CONTACT: Elena Devers, Deputy Director

[email protected]

or 305-296-0458

 The Studios of Key West

533 Eaton Street

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