Lower Keys Alliance
The Lower Keys Alliance, Inc., has been formed to give additional voice to the wishes and concerns of residents of the Torch Keys, Ramrod Key, Summerland Key, Cudjoe Key, Sugarloaf Key, and the Saddle Bunch Keys The goal of the Lower Keys Alliance is to focus on issues affecting the quality of life of its members, and to maintain the residential and rural character of their island communities.
The geographical scope of the Lower Keys Alliance spans from mile markers 29 to 14.2 and corresponds with the area covered by the Livable CommuniKeys Plan for the Lower Keys (the LCP). Membership is voluntary. The Alliance is reaching out to individual residents, as well as property owners associations, civic associations and similar organizations, in the area.
The Lower Keys Alliance intends to work “within the system”. The Alliance seeks to collaborate with those organizations and individuals who already provide input to decision makers. Effective immediately, the Alliance will be informing its members about issues that may have an impact on their communities and will provide a forum for members to understand and discuss these issues. Where consensus exists, members’ viewpoints and proposals will be presented to elected and appointed decision makers.
The Alliance intends to be around for the long haul and will address the most important issues affecting its members, such as growth and development, parks and recreation, traffic and transportation, water quality and the environment.
In regard to growth and development, it is understood that property rights enable development and redevelopment that conforms to existing zoning and land development codes and the LCP. Commercial development and redevelopment should continue to provide for the needs of island residents. Tourism should remain limited to small lodging facilities that cater to environmental and water-based recreational activities. Affordable/workforce housing should be focused on integrating single-family workforce housing into residential communities and small-scale workforce housing units into new and redeveloped Suburban Commercial businesses along the US 1 corridor. High-density, multifamily housing is out of character with low-density communities and will exacerbate the traffic problems on US 1 as those residents travel to employment centers in and near Key West and Marathon.
Initial Directors of Lower Keys Alliance, Inc.
Bill Hunter – President
Joe Brill, Deb Curlee, Phil Frank, Stuart Schaffer, Lesley Thompson, Vera Vasek
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