June 7th through the 11th as Key West Pride Week
Mayor Craig Cates helped kick off a week of celebration by proclaiming June 7th through the 11th as Key West Pride Week.
Since the late 1970s, the Key West Business Guild has been promoting Key West as a LGBT travel destination.
“Key West made history by electing the first openly gay Mayor,” reads the proclamation. In addition, this community “presented the world with the Sea to Sea Rainbow Flag and has always been a leader of LGBT rights and protections for our nation.”
The city’s motto “One Human Family” reflects the community’s commitment that no matter what a person’s race, sexual orientation, or gender identity, we all can stand together as one.
“Key West Pride 2017 will serve as a reminder to all of the ongoing struggle for social, political and personal equality for the LGBT community across our nation and throughout the world,” continues the proclamation.
Festivities through the week include a street fair, numerous parties as well as several church services. The celebration culminates in the Key West Pride Parade down Duval Street from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic on Sunday.
In the attached photo: Mayor Craig Cates, Key West Business Guild Director Matt Hon, and Commissioners Jimmy Weekley, Clayton Lopez and Sam Kaufman.
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