Gerald Adams Elementary Plans To Host an Out Of This World Black Light Art Installation
WHO: Gerald Adams Elementary art students and Art Teacher, Allison Smith, and special guest artists
WHAT: The Art Extravaganza will feature fun hands-on activities, a student art gallery to showcase the students’ work. The student gallery will highlight two art projects per student, a ceramic gallery and an outer space black light installation. Eventgoers will plunge into an immersive experience with the room full of black light murals the students created. The students have also created an exhibit to commemorate the new school building project. There will be guest artists, and a performance from the Steel Your Heart Band.
WHEN: Thursday, May 4th, 2017, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
WHERE: Gerald Adams Elementary School, 5855 College Road, Key West, FL 33040
WHY: The students have worked all year on different art projects and have spent time learning about different techniques, how they can be used, and what they mean in a broader context when viewed and interpreted. This Art Extravaganza is a celebration of that learning experience.
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