Passing along release for Veterans Day Ceremony in Key Largo

A patriotic ceremony honoring America’s military members and Veterans is scheduled for Friday, November 11, 2016, at 11 a.m., at the Murray Nelson government Center located at 102050 O/S Hwy Key Largo, Fl.

A ceremony will take place, adjacent to the bay in the Nelson Center Park followed by wreath-laying ceremony. The event will commence with a prelude concert by Key Largo School band at 10:30 a.m.

Attendees are strongly encouraged to arrive early as there is limited off street parking and to bring a folding chair due to limited seating.

The event is hosted by the Monroe County Department of Veterans Affairs, VFW Post 10211, and American Legion Post 333

The ceremony is free and open to the public.  For those interested in observing the wreath ceremony, there is limited shaded space towards the bayside of the park.

The Murray Nelson Government Center restroom facilities will be open to the public at approximately 9:30 AM.  Public water fountains are available on the North side of the building and in the park area itself.

For more information, call  (305) 453-8777

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