Joe Garcia Issues Statement on Zika

Miami, FL- Today Former Congressman Joe Garcia issued a statement on the Center for Disease Control’s travel warning to all of Miami Dade County due to a string of locally transmitted Zika cases, including two new cases in Miami Beach:

“The time for discussions, political posturing and blame sharing is over,” said Joe Garcia, Candidate for Florida’s 26th Congressional District. “It is now time to take action! Zika has spread to two of our community’s most essential destinations and threatens the entire South Florida community. Congress needs to reconvene immediately and take aggressive and concerted action against Zika for the sake of all our families.”

Garcia recently co-wrote a letter with Congressman Filemon Vela (D-TX) in which they called on House Speaker Ryan to reconvene the House of Representatives in order to address the Zika crisis. Garcia has been vocal about the need to approve full funding for the efforts to eliminate Zika. President Obama originally submitted a $1.9 billion funding request to Congress for the Zika efforts. However, Republicans tried to pass legislation which would have only provided a third of the necessary funding and would have cut funds from the fight against other diseases. Later, Republicans tried to add rider language to a $1.1 billion Zika bill that would have prevented Planned Parenthood from providing necessary health services to women.

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