National HIV Testing Day to be Recognized by AIDS Help June 27
AIDS Help will recognize National HIV Testing Day by providing free confidential and anonymous HIV testing at its office at 1434 Kennedy Drive on Monday, June 27th, and will have staffers available to make “house calls”, too.
This local effort is in conjunction with thousands of groups countrywide urging individuals to “Take the Test, Take Control”.
What you don’t know can hurt you…and others. Being unaware of your status means, if you are HIV-positive, you can fall seriously ill, and if not consistently engaging in safe sex practices, pass infection to others.
Therefore, it’s recommended that anyone between 15-65 be tested be tested for HIV.
About 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the United States.
About 2/3 of them are not accessing healthcare that could keep their HIV infection under control.
About one in seven people infected with HIV do NOT know it (or about 250,000 Americans).
Monroe County has an average 19-24 new HIV infections yearly.
That’s 19-24 too many.
AIDS Help now formally use a product called Clearview, a single use, fingerstick test used to detect antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The test offers rapid reactive results in 15-minutes while the client is present. Its accuracy is beyond peer: 99.7% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity.
Beyond the nationally-designated day, walk-ins are always welcome at The Gordon Rollins Center office (appointments are preferred at 305/296.6196) during regular business hours Monday through Friday…or go to the Coral City Elks Lodge at 1107 Whitehead every Wednesday from 4 to 7 p.m.
The annual National HIV Testing Day originated in 1995, started by the National Association of People with AIDS to encourage at-risk individuals to seek HIV counseling and testing.
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