Unity of the Keys participates in #PresentPerfect on June 26th.

Thousands of churches, synagogues, sanghas and other faith communities celebrate LBGTQ people just as they are but GLAAD reports that 75% of religious messages in mainstream news coverage are from anti-LGBTQ sources. Parents who identify as “strongly religious” are significantly more likely to reject their LGBTQ children and 26% of LGBTQ teens are kicked out when they come out.

#PresentPerfect is a message of love and affirmation for these young people. Unity of the Keys, along with thousands of spiritual centers around the country, invite LGBTQ teens and their parents to visit an open and affirming faith community where diversity is celebrated.

The guest speaker for Sunday service will be Rev. Juan del Hierro. His lesson will be “Growing Into Ourselves.” Rev. Juan del Hierro is a Licensed Unity Minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Unity on the Bay. Rev. Juan believes we have a sacred opportunity and a sacred responsibility to more fully express our divine calling thereby creating more joy, peace and love for ourselves and those around us. One of Rev. Juan’s own callings is that of sacred activist. He and his husband, Tom, along with their 3 year old son, Lucas, and 6 other couples sued the State of Florida in the lawsuit that brought marriage equality to the full state in January of 2015.

Sunday service begins at 11:00 am. Unity of located at 1011 Virginia St. More information is available at www.Unityofthekeys.org

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