Sheriff Stops Reckless Motorcycle

Sheriff Rick Ramsay stopped a man driving a motorcycle recklessly on Big Coppitt Key Saturday afternoon. The driver said he was trying to get ahead of his friends so he could video them with his Go-Pro Camera.

The sheriff spotted the motorcycle traveling at a high rate of speed – 72 mph in a 45 mph zone southbound on Big Coppitt Key. The motorcycle was passing a number of vehicles illegally on the right hand side. He said after the motorcycle passed his unmarked Sheriff’s Office vehicle, he turned on his lights and siren, but the motorcycle refused to stop and, in fact, accelerated away from him. Sheriff Ramsay called for backup units in the area. The motorcycle finally pulled over at the 9 mm of the highway. Deputy Joshua Gordon arrived after the stop was made.

The driver, 32 year old Julio Mendoza of Miami, said he was trying to get far enough ahead of his friends to video them with his Go-Pro video camera. Mendoza was arrested and his motorcycle was towed. He was charged with reckless driving, improper passing and failure to obey a traffic control device. He was taken to jail.

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