Rubio Keeps Up Taunts Of Trump

By Associate Press

Marco Rubio is finishing another marathon day campaigning Sunday, blitzing critical Virginia ahead of Tuesday’s pivotal GOP presidential primary on a humorous note.

He is sticking with his all-out assault on leading GOP rival Donald Trump’s character, vowing to “never let the Republican Party and conservative movement be taken over by a con artist.”

Losing his voice after three sold-out rallies across the state, Rubio brought some new material to the heavily college-age audience of more than 3,000 at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, in the southwestern part of the state.

Rubio mocked Trump for his complexion, as he has before, accusing him of having a bad “spray tan.”

Prompting cheers and laughter, Rubio said: “Donald is not going to make America great. He’s going to make America orange!”

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