2015 Was Average Season For Wading Bird Nests In Everglades

By Associate Press

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — State officials counted nearly 44,000 wading bird nests in the 2015 nesting season — an average season that showed how several key measures have stalled along with Everglades restoration delays.

According to the South Florida Water Management District’s annual report on the December-to-June wading bird nesting season, the white ibis continues to improve and accounts for half the nests in the region.

However, most other wading bird species showed declines or average nesting efforts.

Officials say wood storks did not return to historically important nesting areas in Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary during 2015. The birds have nested there only twice in the last eight years.

According to the district, which is the state agency overseeing Everglades restoration efforts, the numbers of snowy egrets are declining and remain far off target.

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