Rubio Attacks Trump By Name Ahead Of Debate
By Associate Press
HOUSTON — Marco Rubio has attacked Donald Trump by name, criticizing the candidate he called the GOP front-runner for not strongly opposing the federal health care law and for suggesting he could be a moderator in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
At a Houston rally, the Florida senator said “the front-runner in this race, Donald Trump, has said he’s not going to take sides on Israel versus the Palestinians because he wants to be an honest broker.”
Rubio said there was no such thing “because the Palestinian Authority, which has strong links to terror, they teach little kids, 5-year-olds, that it’s a glorious thing to kill Jews.”
He also named Trump in accusing him of thinking “parts of Obamacare are pretty good” drawing boos.
Rubio’s comments came before Thursday’s Republican debate in Houston.
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