Your Financial Future / Workshop

By Roxanne E. Fleszar

“On Saturday, April 23rd the Women, Money and Power workshop returns,” announced Konk Life financial columnist Roxanne Fleszar. “It is an experiential and information packed afternoon, from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. My rock star colleague, Dolly Garlo, is a RN and an attorney as well as a Certified Life Coach. We bring together our combined 60 plus years of experience to provide women with a well-refined and really jam packed four and a half hours of great interaction and learning. We continue to get rave reviews from past participants, which greatly pleases us,” said Fleszar.

Following are samples.

“I found The Women, Money and Power workshop to be so much more than I expected. I believed both Roxanne and Dolly would give an eye opening experience, but it was also heart opening. As an entrepreneur, I certainly operate from both brain and heart, so this was a pleasant surprise.   I found the workshop to be enjoyable, completely thorough and perfect mix of informative lecture, experiences, storytelling, hard facts and dialogue. I especially enjoyed the Q&A sections and personal assessments.  I learned so much about myself and have highly recommended it to friends and family. Taking half a day away from family and work gave me pause, but in the end, a very wise choice. Do it for yourself. You deserve it!”

Oakleigh Waits-Geoghegan, Owner, Isle Style Salon Spa & Boutique

“I never attended a workshop that opened my mind up to different options that are available or realistic for me as I approach retirement in the next few years. It woke me up to a whole set of new ways to think about where I want to go. I also learned the difference between with a financial advisor as opposed to a Certified Financial Planner … BIG difference! I only wish I had researched

this sooner, but better late than never! The workshop motivated me to take a closer look at what I really want for my next journey. The best part of that: it is exciting to look forward to beginning a new chapter by going in prepared. There is security in that.”

Esther Tupino, Vice President, Centennial Bank

Check out the details at

Our early bird pricing ends on Friday, April 15th, so now is the financially savvy time to sign up,” said Fleszar. You may also reach her by phone at (305) 295-9628.

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