Key West Chamber Of Commerce Presents Seminar On Social Media And Search Engine Strategies

Social media is word-of-mouth marketing, and small businesses can no longer afford to be antisocial. Everyone knows they should be using social media platforms to connect and communicate with their clientele, but they don’t always know how.

The Key West Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a seminar on April 29th to help local business owners, managers and employees face their Facebook fears and design a successful and savvy social media strategy,

Online marketing experts Clinton Barras, Karrie Bond and Jeff Bergman of Oceans Digital will present “Social Media and Search Engine Marketing: Choosing a Strategy that Works for You,” from 8 a.m. to noon on Friday, April 29th at the Marriott Beachside Hotel.

The skilled speakers will ensure that participants leave the seminar knowing: best practices for social media, including ideal times, tactics and tools for success; why boosted posts should be a part of every strategy; the benefits of various platforms for different businesses; optimizing text ads for improved search result placement and measuring the return, reach and results of social media marketing efforts.

The $72 seminar includes a continental breakfast, but space is limited and no refunds will be given after the registration deadline of noon on April 26th. Key West Chamber of Commerce members will receive priority registration, but any remaining seats will be made available to nonmembers after April 26th.

Include the names and email addresses of each attendee on a separate slip of paper. Make checks payable to the Greater Key West Chamber of Commerce and mail to 510 Greene St., Key West, FL 33040. For questions, contact the Chamber office at 305-294-2587 or email [email protected].

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