Fringe Theater Of Key West Announce  New Artistic Managing Director

The Board of Directors of The Fringe Theater of Key West announces the appointment of Rebecca Tomlinson as Artistic Managing Director effective May 1, 2016.

Rebecca’s extensive experience includes managing the Tennessee Williams Theatre and The Key West Business Guild. She currently works with the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum where she curates exhibits, writes grants and manages marketing. Before relocating to Key West, Rebecca earned a PhD in directing and communication from the University of Florida. After earning her doctorate, Rebecca became a tenured Professor of Theatre and Communication. Rebecca also served as the production manager of Florida Repertory Theatre in Fort Meyers.

Key Wester’s will also recognize Rebecca’s theater directing through The Lion In Winter and Conch Republic, The Musical at the Fringe, Tennessee’s Letters and Tennessee’s Rose with The Studios of Key West and the Tennessee Williams Museum, ‘night Mother, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and Talk Radio with Theatre XP, and Poetry of the Heart, Moment of Grace, Women Who Steal and two (or three) reprisals of Short Attention Span Theatre with the Red Barn Theatre.

As we welcome Rebecca, the Fringe also wishes the thank one of our founders, Monnie King, our current Producing Artistic Director. Without Monnie’s tireless efforts, the Fringe Theater of Key West would not be the creative addition to our artistic community for the past five years. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Monnie and Peter King.

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