Congressman Urged To Help Invest In Kids

Key West Police Chief Donie Lee last weekend met with Congressman Carlos Curbelo and Kara Kempski, whose organization – Fight Crime: Invest in Kids – is working hard to get the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act reauthorized.

This law expired in 2007, languishing since then in the Senate with no companion House bill. Kempski and Chief Lee urged Congressman Curbelo, as a member of the House Education and Workforce committee, to craft the companion bill and push for the reauthorization of the law.

Fight Crime is an advocacy organization comprised of 5,000 Attorneys General, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Prosecutors and other law enforcement leaders as well as survivors of violence. Its aim is to prevent crime and reduce recidivism by supporting programs that provide alternatives to your offenders. It is a fully volunteer organization that lobbies for investment in programs that put kids on the right track.

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