Juvenile Arrested For Home Invasion
Key West Police Detectives last night arrest one suspect for the home invasion robbery that occurred early Wednesday morning.
Alijah Aliiku Helmar, 16, was charged with three felony counts for robbery and home invasion with a firearm, battery and grand theft.
A second suspect is still at large.
The incident occurred about 3:20 Wednesday morning at 1101 Petronia St. One of the victims says he was awakened in his bed by a man choking him. He was able to call out to his roommate. During the attack the assailant was demanding that the victim give him money.
The roommate woke up to the sounds of the struggle and ran into the room to help. As he walked into the room, he was hit in the face, knocked to the floor and hit again in the head, then passed out. The assailants ran from the room, and the first victim got up to see his roommate passed out in a pool of blood, along with a gun apparently left behind by the attackers.
A third roommate saw the two suspects leaving the residence and was able to give a description of the suspects.
The second victim was transported to Lower Keys Medical Center where he was treated for a gash in his head and a broken nose, then released.
The suspects stole an Xbox console and a backpack containing cash, among other personal items.
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