Culture Circle Series Offers Intimate Visits And Insight ….

The Florida Keys Council of the Arts is again amidst its annual Culture Circle visits, for the fifth year offering donors, in a relaxed atmosphere, peeks behind the scenes of the workings of often private arts organizations and cultural institutions.

The 2016 Culture Circles kicked off earlier this month at the Key West Tropical Forest and Botanical Garden. In the serene and informal ambiance, a special tour by the Executive Director Misha McRAE helped celebrate the Garden’s 80th anniversary, and learn about the facilities and evolution of the Garden.

Again with the addition of hors d’oeuvres and libations, the Circle received a mini-class in the production of a choral show – not a concert, he said — by Professor James Cutty, director of the highly respected, 60-plus voice Keys Chorale at its lecture and rehearsal hall at Florida Keys Community College.

This past weekend, complete with breakfast, Circle members attended a regular biweekly meeting of the Key West Writers Guild, hearing authors read from works in progress and, along with guild members, offering “friendly and constructive criticism” of the work.

The Culture Circle Series, supported by The Bill and MaryCarlin Porter Advised Fund, endeavors to offer donors over the $250 level invitations to enjoy and learn about a performing art, a literary art and a visual art, plus a museum and an institution illustrative of Keys’ History and Culture.

Coming up next are, on the evening of March 17, a visit to the Art Guild of the Purple Isles at the Keys’ History and Discovery Center in Islamorada and, on the afternoon of April 14, the Dolphin Research Center on Grassy Key (MM 59) for an introduction “to the world of dolphins.” Not incidentally, the 100 members of the art guild are celebrating its 50th anniversary with a very special annual exhibit.

New members are welcome to join the Culture Circle at any time; simply contact the Arts Council at [email protected]

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