Florida Keys Water Surpassing Water Quality And Safety Standers

Florida Keys – March 11, 2016 – In light of recent events related to the safety of drinking water the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) wishes to assure the public that our water is safe and continues to surpass all water quality standards.  The FKAA remains vigilant in protecting your water supply and providing superior quality water to our customers.

The safety of the water supply is the FKAA’s number one priority. This protection starts with a comprehensive wellfield protection program which includes numerous monitoring wells surrounding the wellfield.  The monitoring wells are strategically located allowing for monitoring of 89 sample points both in the immediate and intermediary areas surrounding the wellfield.

Additionally, through partnerships with Miami-Dade County, the South Florida Water Management District, and the U.S. Geological Survey agency the FKAA is able to collaborate and stay abreast of water quality trends and issues throughout South Florida.  This vigilance continues at the supply wells, the water treatment plant and throughout the water distribution system.

In accordance with state and federal regulations, and as part of FKAA’s Water Quality Program, the FKAA conducts over 95,000 water quality tests every year.  The FKAA consistently meets and surpasses all regulatory standards.    For the complete list of all the primary and secondary drinking water standards, including the maximum levels allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the FKAA’s results, please visit: http://www.fkaa.com/Drinking%20Water%20Standards%202015.pdf.  The FKAA, however, does not simply perform the minimum regulatory testing required.  To ensure that optimal water quality is maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week the FKAA performs extensive supplemental monitoring throughout the system.

Whether it be the more complex issues such as saltwater intrusion or radiation, or more general issues in maintaining proper chemistry, the FKAA remains committed to providing the safest and best tasting drinking water available.   For more information about your water quality or to request a presentation for your community or civic group please visit, www.fkaa.com, or contact Julie Cheon at [email protected] or (305) 295-2150.

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