Hometown Protesters Interrupt Cruz In Houston
By Associate Press
A small but well-coordinated cadre of protesters has kept Ted Cruz from getting a hometown welcome in Houston.
The Texas senator was addressing more than 1,000 people at a Houston Baptist University rally late Monday when he was interrupted repeatedly by demonstrators chanting, “Cruz, bad for Texas, bad for the country.”
Cruz, who hails from Houston, at first laughed it off. He said, “It’s nice to know three Bernie Sanders supporters got lost.”
After more outbursts, Cruz’s tone harshened. He derided the protesters as spoiled children, adding, “You have the right to speak, but you don’t have the right to interrupt others.”
Amid the third major disruption, the crowd booed. As police escorted the protesters out, Cruz said, “If it hurts your ears, go hide at a Bernie Sanders rally.”
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