William Bradley Thompson’s ‘Moon Over Havana’ Celebrates The Color And Character Of Cuba At Gallery On Greene

William Bradley Thompson captures Cuba – and captivates the curious traveler with paintings as intriguing and animated as the island itself.

In a caffeinated collision of colors and characters, history and humanity, Thompson brilliantly conveys the contradictions and question marks of Key West’s international neighbor.

Thompson celebrates that kaleidoscopic clash in his latest exhibit, “Moon Over Havana,” which opens with an artist’s reception from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20 at The Gallery on Greene, 606 Greene St., Key West.

Old cars and new tour buses crowd the curving Malecon. Wistful women and unflinching federales wait for what will come; close, yet comfortable, and characteristically Cuban. Residents recline in doorways, and moonlight shines the city.

Thompson, who started his career as a lawyer and only painted to pay his law school tuition, sees it all and shows it off in Technicolor perfection.

The works in Thompson’s “Moon Over Havana” are the results of a recent visit to Cuba during the Havana Biennial, said Gallery on Greene owner Nance Frank.

The acclaimed international art exchange occurs every two years, cloaking the country in contemporary art and exploring important international themes such as progress, technology and development.

Thompson will return to Cuba for the next Havana Biennial and will exhibit his work on the Malecon, the renowned and windswept seawall between Havana and its harbor.

In “Moon Over Havana,” Thompson boldly bridges abstract and representational expression, which is how he describes his approach to art, refusing to relegate his subjects to one or the other.

“Moon Over Havana” opens Feb. 20 with an artist’s reception from 5 to 8 p.m. at Gallery on Greene, 606 Greene St., Key West. For more information, visit galleryongreene.com or call 305-294-1669.

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