Protesters, Duval St Skin Cream Shop Settle

The owners of Oro Gold 518 Duval Street  signed a consent agreement Wednesday with protesters from The Key West Rip Off Rapid Response Team.
The six point agreement calls for the immediate implementation of a 30 day refund policy. The store has also agreed to post signs detailing the new policy. The store also agreed to follow city ordinances relating to sales procedures required of cosmetics shops and accepting returns shipped to the store. The consent agreement also prohibits store employees from smoking on the sidewalk, throwing cigarettes butts into storm drains or spitting on the street while working.
Oro Gold owners Yackov Blives, Danni Tobaly, Nir Sela and Maor Taharan signed the agreement with Key West Rip Off Rapid Response Team members Tevis Wernicoff and Bruce Mitchell.
Wernicoff and Mitchell led a two day sidewalk protest in front of the store in December before negotiations began that reached the settlement.
Wernicoff called the agreement a step in the right direction and commended the store for “taking positive common sense steps to insure better business practices by skin cream shops here in Key West”
For more information call
Bruce Mitchell
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