Presidential Hopefuls Reflective With Hours To Iowa Caucuses
By Associate Press
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Presidential candidates vying for their party nominations are toning down their attacks against rivals opting instead for messages of reflection on the morning of the country’s leadoff Iowa caucuses.
Speaking to NBC’s Today on Monday, billionaire Donald Trump declined to predict the outcome of the caucuses, noting that fellow Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is “a talented guy.”
On ABC’s Good Morning America, Trump is admitting: “You have to be a little bit nervous,”
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio also praised the drive of rival Cruz, with whom he’s repeatedly clashed on a range of issues, saying Cruz “has a very strong ground game.”
Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton praised her campaign staff and said that rival Sen. Bernie Sanders has run the campaign he wants to run, noting, simply, “we have differences.”
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