Key West Garden Club February 4, 2016 Educational Meeting

The Key West Garden Club is pleased to have James Kushlan and Kirsten Hines as our guest speakers on February 4, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.  Our programs are held at the Garden located in the Fort West Martello on Atlantic Blvd. in Key West.  The event is open to the public and there is no charge. Contact Jane A. Tiedeman at 305-923-3820 for any further information.

Mr Kushlan and Ms. Hines will be presenting “Gardening for Birds and Other Wildlife in South Florida”. They will be discussing why gardening is different in sub-tropical South Florida, and what you can do to make your own yard, even just a patio, more attractive to our unique community of birds and other wildlife, helping to restore and maintain the region’s ecological functions through wildlife-friendly landscaping.

Kirsten Hines is a writer, photographer, biologist and environmental educator focused on wildlife, nature, travel and conservation. She has long championed Florida’s native plants and habitats through her writing and photography.

James A. Kushlan is an ornithologist, educator, writer, and conservationist. A former professor, director of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, and past-president of the American Ornithologists’ Union, he has authored ten books as well as over 200 technical papers. He was chair and senior author of Waterbird Conservation for the Americas and is founder and chair of the IUCN Heron Specialist Group. In South Florida, he serves on many boards, currently including Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Zoological Society of Florida, and the Everglades Foundation.

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