Theater Review / Fools

By Diane Johnson

Fools is a marvelous escape from reality that will have you laughing at the madcap adventures of the people of Kulyenchikov.

The Red Barn Theatre kicks off their 2015-2016 season with Neil Simon’s Fools, the classic tale of a small Ukrainian town under the spell of a 200-year-old curse.

Neil Simon is one of America’s most talented playwrights. He has the gift of making us laugh hysterically at what appears on the surface to be silly, when in fact his comedies have a more serious intention. Fools brings that message home, as the story of Kulyenchikov unfolds revealing the fact that the people living in this town are simply fooling themselves.

Joy Hawkins directs a ten person multigenerational cast with the deft hand of a professional artist, who weaves the actors into a cohesive whole. The talented Rick Worth designed the colorful set using every inch of the stage.

David Black and Marjorie Paul Shook steal the show as Dr. and Lenya Zubritsky, the parents of Sophia. David’s performance reminded me of Gene Wilder’s shtick in Young Frankenstein. His energy is incredibly funny and a pleasure to watch as he portrays a caring but very confused husband and father. Marjorie’s sense of comedic timing was perfection as she playfully delivered her lines. The two actors melded together so naturally, you believe they are indeed an old married couple! Susannah Wells played the part of Sophia, their unmarried daughter. Her initial sweet naïve persona eventually gives way to that of an insightful young woman. This evolution is a welcome sight.

Lliam Dufresne is the young inexperienced schoolteacher Leon Tolchinsky, who arrives in Kulyenchikov unprepared for the townspeople who believe they live under an ancient curse of stupidity. He hopes to educate the townspeople and marry the lovely Sophia. Diana Heller plays Yenchna, the vendor who sells everything from fish to flowers and cream. Somehow she was able to maintain a straight face as she passed off flowers as fish! George Halloran returns to the stage as Slovitch the butcher. His delivery is deadpan as he sweeps the dirt into his shop (not out) and interacts with the other zany townspeople. Wayne Dasper is Count Yousekevitch, the scary rich guy intent on wooing the innocent Sophia. Although short in stature, Wayne shows off his energy during the final scene. John Wells plays the part of Something Something Snetsky, a delightfully silly shepherd who has literally lost his sheep. Armando Lodigiani is the loyal Magistrate in a town whose laws morph as the play progresses. Laurie Seth Yates is the postman Mishkin. This character tries to take his job seriously but he is easily distracted.

The moral of the story is you are whoever you believe you are, and people’s expectations play a giant role is shaping who you ultimately become.

Fools is now playing at the Red Barn Theatre from December 15th to January 9th. Tickets are available by calling the ticket office at 305-296-9911 or on line at:

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