Marathon, FL (December 2, 2015) – Join Crane Point on Tuesday, December 8th for another Evening with the Stars with presenters Elizabeth Moore and Jay Elliott from the Florida Keys Astronomy Club.   A brief introduction on “why we look at the stars” will be followed by a walk through the planets to the Crane House viewing area. This month, you will have opportunities to view the Great Orion Nebula, Herschel’s Garnet Star, the double cluster, the Andromeda galaxy and many more with the aid of 8 inch and 12 inch telescopes. We will star-hop through the night sky and the stories that have been told through constellations from centuries ago.

Meet at the front steps of the Museum at 5:45 p.m. The program starts promptly at 6 p.m. and ends at 9:00 p.m. The gates will be closed with no further admission after 6 p.m. Cost is $6 per person, children under 6 are free.   This program involves a quarter mile walk to the observation area over uneven, gravel road through the hammock to the Crane House located on the Gulf of Mexico.

Come dressed for outdoor evening weather. Closed-toe shoes preferred and bring binoculars and a flashlight if you have them. Sorry, no pets allowed.

For more information about “Evening with the Stars” or Crane Point, call the business office 305-743-3900 or email: [email protected].

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