I am in complete agreement. The busses need to only be allowed to park in Searstown. The agreement needs to include either the conch train or trolley as transport for the Miami groups. Their needs to be more to include New town and Midtown businesses in this week long festivity. Why did my business have to pay an extra fee to do business downtown in the “fantasy zone” . While as a business we broke even for the week, we expected more. When my husband and I ambled down for the Saturday parade we were amazed by the amount of coolers and lost sales there in the street. They even buy that in Miami! For the pittance of economic boost we receive from the busses, their cost outweighs their benefits.
I am in complete agreement. The busses need to only be allowed to park in Searstown. The agreement needs to include either the conch train or trolley as transport for the Miami groups. Their needs to be more to include New town and Midtown businesses in this week long festivity. Why did my business have to pay an extra fee to do business downtown in the “fantasy zone” . While as a business we broke even for the week, we expected more. When my husband and I ambled down for the Saturday parade we were amazed by the amount of coolers and lost sales there in the street. They even buy that in Miami! For the pittance of economic boost we receive from the busses, their cost outweighs their benefits.