Man arrested for high speeds, no license, cocaine

A Summerland Key man was arrested Sunday in the early morning hours after he was stopped for speeding on his motorcycle.

Deputy David Lariz was on Rockland Key just before midnight Saturday when he spotted the motorcycle with two people on it, southbound. He saw the driver tailgating and turned around to stop the vehicle. The motorcycle driver sped up, passing a number of other vehicles. Deputy Lariz  attempted to catch up, but the motorcycle was traveling in excess of 100 miles per hour at that point.

Deputy Lariz radioed ahead to Deputy Boyd Williams, who was on Stock Island. Deputy Williams took up a position at U.S. One and Cross Street to wait for the motorcycle. Deputy Lariz caught up with the motorcycle at U.S. One and MacDonald Avenue. It had been stopped by traffic. He told the driver to pull over.

The driver of the motorcycle was identified as 32 year old Sean Kenny of Summerland Key. Deputy Williams, who arrived to back up Deputy Lariz, recognized Kenny as someone he stopped the week before. At the time of that stop, Kenny had no valid driver’s license and was cited for it.

On Sunday night, he still had no valid license. In fact he had an expired license from Pennsylvania. He assured the officers he would be getting one in a few days. When Deputy Lariz asked why he was speeding in excess of 100 miles per hour, Kenny replied it was because there was no one in front of him.

Kenny was issued a number of citations, for speeding and no valid license. He was told to park his motorcycle and not to drive anymore. As Kenny was walking away from Deputy Lariz, putting the citations in his pocket, a plastic bag dropped out of his pants pocket. Inside the bag where nine smaller bags with white powder inside. The powder tested positive as cocaine.

Kenny was arrested. He was charged with failing to register his motorcycle in Florida, driving with an expired license, not obtaining a Florida driver’s license within 30 days of employment and possession of cocaine.

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