Credit Card Fraud Suspects Arrested

Three of four suspects in a large credit card fraud case were taken into custody on Wednesday. Yaisdonis Gomez-Fabelo, 35, Ayami Consuergra-Rojas, 32, and Leidys Soler, 23, all face multiple charges in scheme to defraud Wells Fargo Bank and ten credit card holders. A fourth suspect, Jorge Consuergra-Rojas is still at large.

The case began in October of 2014 when one victim reported fraudulent charges against his credit card, though the card was still in his possession. Detectives investigating the case discovered that, over a 5-day period, ten people in Key West and another in Marathon also had fraudulent charges made against their cards – cards issued by the same bank and still in their owners’ possession.

Video surveillance cameras in the store where the charges were made quickly showed the four suspects working together on the scheme. In some footage, detectives clearly saw one suspect use the card, then had it off to another suspect behind him in line who swiped the card for another purchase. With the help of the video tape and social media accounts, detectives positively identified all four suspects.

The suspects used “cloned” cards to rack up over $6,000 in fraudulent charges in the last five days of October. Ayami Consuegra-Rojas shows a Key West address and faces 19 felony charges. Gomez-Fabelo, also of Key West, faces seven felony charges. Soler, from Miami, has 16 felony charges. Jorge Consuegra-Rojas, from Miami, is looking at 14 felony charges when he is taken into custody.

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