County ponders Beaver issue

as M.E. hangs tough at job


Beleaguered county Medical Examiner Dr. Thomas Beaver appears to be hanging on to his job by his fingernails, as controversy continues to swirl around him. In the meantime, local officials are doing what they can to both minimize the damage Beaver can do before his contract expires in May 31, 2017, At press time, they were also attempting to deal with the fallout of his erratic business and professional practices among the county’s funeral home directors.

Beaver’s issues began with a March 23 incident, during which the M.E. was photographed by neighbors in a condo complex off Coco Plum Drive, in Marathon, placing corpses into the back of an uncovered and unmarked pickup truck for transport to his Grassy Key office.

The neighbors filed a complaint with both the State Attorney’s Office and Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, resulting in a meeting between County Administrator Roman Gastesi, County Attorney Bob Shillinger, Sheriff Rick Ramsey, State Attorney Catherine Vogel, and Clerk of the Court Amy Heavilin.

The upshot was Gastesi’s request to Heavilin’s office for a financial and operational audit of Beaver’s office, which is currently taking place.

On May 13, the M.E. received yet another black eye, over the alleged firing and fleeing of two of its four staff members.

Beaver is said to have axed death investigator Ryan Moe, whereupon his colleague, Zack Smith immediately left his post. Smith had previously served Beaver his resignation, but split early in protest of the Moe decision.

Beaver agreed to make changes in the way he collects bodies, but the audit remains

The M.E, who was appointed by Gov. Rick Scott, is not a county government employee but rather an independent contractor. He, therefore, can be removed only after a formal complaint

is lodged with the Florida Medical Examiners Commission. That body could then suggest to Gov. Scott that he yank Beaver from his position. Only Scott is in a position to fire him.

During its May 20 meeting, in Key Largo, the Board of County Commissioners filed a formal complaint with the state, following revelations that the M.E.’s office is months behind in its payments to more than one local funeral director. Some have speculated that Beaver has been collecting bodies himself to avoid paying fees to funeral homes.

“I think this situation could work us into some hellacious lawsuits if somebody wants to push it,” District 5 Commissioner Sylvia Murphy said. “However, we have no control over this person who is doing these things. We cannot fire him. All I can say is that karma will get him in the end.”

County Administrator Roman Gastesi sounded cautiously optimistic on Friday that the ongoing audit will provide enough fuel to bring about change.

“We’ll see what the audit says,” Gastesi said. “I expect it’s going to reveal some deficiencies and things that will need to be adjusted. Depending on what it shows, we’ll respond accordingly.”

Beaver’s office has an almost $53,000 operating budget paid for by the county.


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