Braddock and Kaple depart grant board




For leaders of a number of area non-profits, the good news regarding the funding increase was offset by the news that two veteran members of the Monroe County Continuum-of-Care (CoC) had abruptly tendered their resignations, following the agency’s regular board meeting, on April 9.



Both the Rev. Steve Braddock, CEO and president of the Florida Keys Outreach Coalition (FKOC), and Stephanie Kaple, FKOC’s deputy director of housing and supportive services, resigned from the continuum’s leadership for reasons that at press time had yet to be made public.



Despite the resignations, the “FKOC will remain a member agency of the CoC” Kaple wrote in an online message Monday morning.



It was Kaple however – chairwoman of the agency’s coordinated assessment committee – who stated in her letter of resignation that she was “very disgusted and disappointed during the April meeting of the board of directors by the actions allowed.”



The Monroe County Continuum-of-Care was formed a few years ago to serve as the county’s lead agency for dispersing homeless outreach grants Keyswide, with notable assistance from the FKOC.



The only action taken at the meeting that could be considered significant was an overwhelming vote by the board of directors to put in place an executive director of the CoC, which has up to now been administrated by one paid employee. Kaple cast the sole dissenting vote against the plan.


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