KWIA Passes FAA Annual Safety Inspection with Flying Colors


Monroe County Fire Rescue is pleased to announce that for the second straight year, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) found no deficiencies in its annual inspection of Key West International Airport giving the Monroe County Airports Division and Monroe County Fire Rescue/ARFF a perfect safety rating.


Operators of Part 139 airports such as KWIA must provide aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) services during air carrier operations that require a Part 139 certificate.   The annual inspection conducted at KWIA on March 9th and 10th, 2015 included a detailed review of all personnel, training and driving records.  Airfield and fueling safety inspections conducted throughout the year by MCFR/ARFF firefighters were reviewed for accuracy and completeness.  The FAA also conducted detailed physical inspections of the airfield in both daytime and nighttime conditions as well as all fueling facilities and equipment, the ARFF station and ARFF equipment.  In addition, ARFF personnel were assessed on their knowledge and efficient use of ARFF equipment and crash trucks as well as their familiarity with the airfield and the associated aviation markings, signage, and lighting.


“Personnel assigned to Fire Station 7 at KWIA are to be commended for their attention to detail, preparation, training and competency in performing their assigned duties and achieving this excellent safety rating” said Fire Chief Jim Callahan.  “We are committed to providing the training, equipment and personnel to meet and exceed the FAA’s safety requirements at Key West International Airport and ensuring the safest possible environment for everyone utilizing the airport facilities.”

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