Detectives look for home invasion robbery suspect


Sheriff’s detectives are investigating a case where suspects tied up a Key Largo man in his home, pointed a gun at him and threatened to kill him. They then stole cash and guns and fled the scene. The victim was able to identify one of the men who robbed him, even though both men used hoods and masks to hide their faces.


The victim said he was sleeping on his couch at his Drury Drive apartment at 3 a.m. Thursday when the two suspects entered through an unlocked door. He said they pointed a pistol at him and one suspect tied his hands behind his back using zip ties.


The victim said they took him from the apartment to his parent’s house nearby and they all entered the home through a window. Once inside, he said the two suspects used a Taser on him and ransacked the home. He said at one point, one of the suspects told the other to “pop” him, which he took to mean “kill” him. He said he was afraid he was going to die.


The suspects found cash hidden in his parent’s house. They also found four rifles and two shotguns. They took the cash and the guns and left the house. The victim said he heard them leave in a vehicle. He said after he heard them leave, he ran to a neighbor’s house for help.


The victim was able to identify one of the suspects as a man he is acquainted with, 37 year old Brandon Rettich. An arrest warrant has been issued for Rettich for kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and battery. When the second suspect is identified, he will most likely face similar charges.


Anyone with information about this crime should contact the Sheriff’s Office. Callers may also contact Crime Stoppers of the Florida Keys. Tipsters can remain anonymous and, if a tip leads to an arrest in the case, the caller would be eligible for a cash reward. The Crime Stoppers hot line number is 1-800-346-TIPS. Tips may also be submitted on line at or via a text message to 274637 using the keyword TIP136.

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