Short Answers

By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman



Dear Short Answers: There is a regular group in the neighborhood that walks their dogs together every night around the same time.  We don’t really know each other well but we enjoy the time together and it’s a relaxing way to spend a half an hour or so.  A few months ago, one of the dogs was diagnosed with cancer and we all chipped in to help with the treatments because the dog’s owner wasn’t currently employed. Unfortunately, the dog died rather suddenly and the owner immediately bought a new puppy (a long-haired dachshund).  I feel sorry for the owner’s loss, but if the owner had enough money for a new puppy, he had enough money for medical care for his dog.  Or maybe he used the money we all gave him to buy a new puppy.  I feel taken advantage of, but also uncomfortable asking for more information. Should I keep my mouth shut and fume?  Or ask the owner outright what happened to the money we gave him? A Villager

Dear Villager: Yeah, SHUT UP and fume.



Dear Short Answers: My wife and I have been together for over 3 years. We have one child and have been married for a little over a year. Our relationship has been great but recently, she decided to become Facebook friends with her ex. I haven’t said anything to her about this, but it really bothers me. Do you think I might be reading too much into this? Should I say something or just let it go? Nervous

Dear Nervous: You may well be reading too much into this.  But if it bothers you, IT BOTHERS YOU and you should definitely tell her so.



Dear Short Answers: At what age do you think it’s acceptable for a child to get a tattoo? There is a single mother in our neighborhood who has gotten tattoos (and piercings) for her two small children who I think are about age 2 and 4. I think this is totally inappropriate. I don’t really know her well enough to say anything to her face. Should I call child welfare? Should I leave an anonymous note in her mailbox? Or should I just ignore it? But if I ignore it, how do I know what other personal disfigurements this woman has in store for her kids? Neighbor

Dear Neighbor: Tattoos and piercings have become nearly ubiquitous in some locales. But for kids who are not even close to adolescence, it seems a bit much (with the exception of ear piercing which, in some cultures, is acceptable for babies). HOWEVER — this is an issue best left for parents to decide. We suspect that there are license requirements for tattoo parlors that may exclude minors. Beyond doing some research, we recommend that you stay out of it.



Dear Short Answers: My ex-boyfriend continually asks me to hang out with him alone despite the fact that he has a girlfriend. He tells me that he “just wants to hang out” and that his girlfriend doesn’t need to know. Please help! Confused

Dear Confused: What’s confusing? Ever hear the expression “have your cake, and eat it too”? EXTRA HELP: This will not be good for you or his girlfriend.


Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.


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