Key West residents rally against Fantasy Fest nudity





There have been complaints for several years about the growing amount of nudity during Key West’s Fantasy Fest. But this year, those complaints are turning into action.

Two different residents’ groups have organized to build a grassroots campaign putting pressure on Key West City Commissioners and the Fantasy Fest producers to bring the hammer down on nudity and illegal public sexual activity. One of the citizen’s groups, Key West Fest Friends, held its first public meeting Monday, Nov. 10, to hear input on ideas for its campaign. The second group, led by former Key West City Commissioner Harry Bethel, will hold a public meeting on Monday, Nov. 17, at 6 pm in Old City Hall.

About 40 people attended Fest Friends’ first meeting. While lower extremity genitalia exposure on both men and women was condemned by several speakers, there was also dismay over the ebbing participation by local businesses and residents and a perceived lack of creativity in event themes, costumes and parade floats.

“We want a festival that represents us, something we can be proud of,” said resident Michael Blades.

In addition, the event has increasingly been advertised to nude cruise ship and lingerie companies, as well as sex websites, said Kate Miano, owner of the Gardens Hotel on Angela Street. As a result, Key West now has an entrenched reputation for ongoing no-holds-barred nudity.

“That creeps over into every event. Who are they [Fantasy Fest producers] selling us to and how are they selling us? They need to be held accountable,” Miano said.

The company that owns the Fantasy Fest name is the Monroe County Tourist Development Association (TDA). TDA subcontracts event marketing and production to The Market Share Company, a Key West-based production company that handles permitting, sponsorship sales, event planning and production and acts as the liaison to Key West officials. TDA and Market Share came under fire at the Fest Friends’ meeting. Harry Bethel, who attended the Fest Friends meeting, pointed out that the five-year contract TDA has with the city to produce Fantasy Fest expires on June 29, 2015.

“Now is the time to go out for bids. We need new ideas,” he said. “Nobody is saying do away with the Fest. That’s crazy.”

The organizers of Key West Fest Friends emphasized that they “love” Fantasy Fest and only want positive change. Joe Weed Clements, one of the organizers, said the group is not against partial nudity – particularly painted breasts on women – but full frontal nudity, even painted, on both men and women should be banned. And any permissible nudity should be confined to the Fantasy Fest party zone, which includes Duval Street and some of the adjacent side streets.

One suggestion was to require The Market Share Co. to hire private security to keep legally nude participants inside the Fantasy zone. Clements also suggested expanding nearby neighborhood watch groups to alert local police when nude participants wander into their area.

“If they see something really bad, make sure they know the channels to report it,” Clements said, referring to local watch groups.

“There needs to be a clear definition of this is the Fantasy zone. This is a neighborhood. Cover your ass up,” said Greg Daniels, a Fest Friends organizer.

Key West City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley also attended the Fest Friends meeting and urged the group to continue its efforts. There is strong support on Facebook to clamp down on the nudity, he said.

“It can be changed,” Weekley said, referring to the Fantasy Fest contract that is up for renewal in June. “We can change any aspect of the contract. We just need four votes to make the change.”

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