Animal Protector



I was driving to where the boulevard takes a sharp left and merges with the coast road.

The sight of the glittering Atlantic sucked my attention and I dragged my eyes from oncoming traffic to admire the horizon of refracted sunlight and sparkles.

However, instead of awe inspiring shiny sea, I was faced with a pair of eyes. Oily dark eyes wide with terror. I was stunned and nearly lost control of my car.

The tiny reptile was pressing himself flat and hugging the windshield. In his eyes I clearly read a heartbreaking desperation. I steered to the side of the road, and parked. My heart was racing with this sudden responsibility. I slipped out as fast as I could and rushed around to the front passenger side.

Unfortunately, my actions further terrified the wigged out gecko and he bound off the windshield and wound himself into the wheel spokes.

No! no! Get out of there! I waved excitedly at him.

He stared at me as if I might be insane and he scooted down the tire. He was on the ground and then the unthinkable happened, he rushed into the traffic.

Oh no! I implored, horrified at the raised threat level, and I ran around to herd him, at least out of harm’s way. Mercifully, he responded, and dashed past me and towards the beach.

I was already shaking from anxiety, but I pursued him so that he settled far from the busy road. Seeing me pursue him, he hurried faster and sped up the squat sea wall, where he stopped, and there he caught his breath.

I was panting, too, as much from fright, and I held out my hand to him, and spoke in a soft voice, “If you calm down, I could take you home.”

An impossible standoff.

I got in my car and lowered the windows. I frowned at my tiny combat buddy. As I drove off, I saw him watch me pull away. Guilt riddled me.

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