Konk Life’s Political Questionnaire:

Konk Life has invited every candidate in the upcoming elections to answer the following questions about themselves and their candidacy. 

Q&A with Bonnie Helms

Interview conducted by Mark Howell

What office are you running for and what previous offices have you held, if any?

I’m running for Circuit Court Judge, Group 4. No previous political offices held.

Explain your platform plus why you are running.

I am running because our circuit court needs my strong work ethic. Although I’ve worked for many years utilizing mediation and other alternative methods for resolving disputes,I also have practiced law in Key West in all civil matters for 23 years.

My many years of knowledge and experience with alternative dispute-resolution are a large part of my qualifications. As most experienced attorneys will attest, it is legal specialization that provides the basis forhandling complex cases.

I specialize infamily law cases and they are often the most complicated because of the overlapping issues involved — issues as diverse as foreclosure, bankruptcy, division of property, financial support, domestic violence, time-sharing, estate planning, financial planning, etc. My years of experience in family law allow me to bring a considerable depth of knowledge to the bench.

Myunique judicial philosophy is based on the idea that all means and full opportunity to resolve matters outside of the courtroom are necessary for all lawsuits filed. Unfortunately, the program that already exists within our court system is insufficient and underutilized. I will work to improve this system and make sure it provides an affordable dispute resolution option.   That said, if parties cannot resolve their case outside of court I will be readily available and prepared to make a timely and deliberatedecision so that they may move on with their lives.

Detail how you differ from your competing candidates.

I have been a practicing attorney in this very circuit court for over 20 years.I have a legal area of expertise and I have worked with families for 23 years. As a practicing attorney, I know intimately of the time and money involved to bring a lawsuit to trial. I recognize that everyone appearing before me is entitled to, and will receive, their day in court.


Tell us your personal history — education; professional career; family life and how long you’ve lived in the Keys or the county and your relationship to the Florida Keys and/or Key West.

I grew up in rural Michigan and I worked in my family’s businesses beginning at age 10, as my family experienced difficult financial times back then. While in high school, I excelled academically. My family spent winter vacations at Venture Out on Cudjoe Key, where my extended family had a home. I began working as a new graduate from the University of Miami School of Law with Imogene M. Synon, PA, in Key West and later established my own law and mediation practice in 1994, which continues to this day. During my time in the Keys, I have also had the privilege of becoming a stepmother to my wonderful stepdaughter and, in 2011, I personally became involved with the court system when my husband, stepdaughter and I decided to welcome a teenage girl, who had spent several years in the foster-care system, into our home. Becoming a guardian and a mentor to this young woman, who is now attending college, has been extremely rewarding.


Touch on your personal passions in addition to the above.

Enjoying our outdoor environment, scuba diving and paddle boarding, among other watersports; reading about current national/world events; traveling.


Describe where, in your view, we might be going wrong in the Keys and/or Key West.

The inadequate level of affordable housing concerns me.


Name your favorite movie

“ Fargo” and many more…


Your favorite TV show

I don’t watch much TV but I do watch Netflix and my latest favorite is “Scandal.”


Your favorite TV talking head

Anthony Bourdain.


Your favorite newspaper columnist

I can’t say I have a favorite columnist.


Your favorite book

Too many to name!


Your favorite character in American history

Amelia Earhart.


Your favorite person in Florida Keys and/or Key West history

Ellen Mallory.


Your favorite quote or proverb

“The purpose of life is to live it…to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences…” — Eleanor Roosevelt.


Is there any secret strength you’d like to reveal about yourself at this point?

I am unafraid to take on a challenge whether it’s a “popular” idea or not and when I set myself to solving a problem I keep at it until it’s done.

When I chose to focus my family law practice on mediation many years ago, many in the legal field were skeptical. Today, more and more people everywhere understand that mediation and resolving disputes outside of court is far more effective and beneficial to families than protracted legal battles. I’m not afraid to stand up to the conventional wisdom, and I’ll bring that same strength to the bench.


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