Becoming A 21ST Century Lady


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I’m just getting back into dating after being married for over 20 years. My husband was only the third man I ever slept with but I’m concerned that things are a bit looser today. I’m not a prude but I don’t want to seem too eager either. How many dates should I have with a man before having sex?

Dear Rusty:
Guess what? No more rules! It doesn’t make it easier — it makes it harder. And if you make a mistake that’s OK, too.  Just don’t apologize — or explain.


Dear Short Answers:
A very good friend is getting married in September. I just had a baby in June and she has said very clearly, “no babies!” at the wedding. My baby will be only 3 months old and I don’t think this is fair! (I’m nursing,) What do you think?
Mama Bear

Dear mama:
Congratulations to you, but this is not your show. The bride has every right to center stage and as you know, babies (and new moms) are notorious scene stealers. Get a sitter or stay home.


Dear Short Answers:
My girlfriend and I have been getting very serious (at least I thought so). And it is absolutely the best sex I have ever had. But last night she told me that she is going out with another woman!!! I didn’t know what to say. Do I keep dating her and see what happens or do I get the hell out of here???
So Confused

Dear So:
You two are on different pages: “getting very serious” and “going out with another woman” don’t add up. The prospects of a satisfactory outcome seem remote.


Dear Short Answers:
My boss has made some very flirtatious remarks to me and has come very close to asking me out on a date.  But every time I think he’s going to do it, he stops himself and says “of course, I can’t ask you on a date because we have rules about that sort of thing here.”  I’d be happy to go out with him but not sure how to handle it.  Is he waiting for me to say it’s OK?  Or is he just teasing me?
Ready to Roll

Dear Ready:
Are you sure it is a brilliant idea to date your boss?  If so, let him know you are undeterred by popular wisdom or company rules.


Dear Short Answers:
I never have time to sit down and just read a book anymore. How do people do it? I feel like I never have enough time for everything in my day, yet alone finding ways to kill time. How can I schedule more leisure in my life?
Missing Out

Dear Missing:
It is about Priorities. Make reading a “have to” not a “want to.” Start with 20 minutes a day. Perhaps not everything you are currently doing is as important as you think.

Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.

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