By Jennesa  Berger

We all know the benefits gained from lifting weights; tones the body, muscles begin to pop and there’s also an increase of lean body mass.  But there are also some disadvantages to only pumping the iron.  Without mobility work and stretching the body will become tight and range of motion will decrease dramatically. It’s also pretty easy to get bored with only one form of exercise.  Enter the world of body weight training!  With so many different ways to move your body, the workouts and exercises are endless.


One of the biggest reasons I enjoy body weight workouts is that I get to work on flexibility and range of motion during my workouts.  It’s much easier to move your body in certain ways when there isn’t an external weight involved. The majority of body weight moves can be modified to make it easier to make sure the body is going through the full range of motion, which means flexibility is getting worked on without even thinking about it.


I love the fact that I can mix in body weight strength exercises with body weight cardio exercises.  Using your body as the machine means that the total body is working and engaged. With the full body being worked, it becomes easier for the heart rate to rise.  Body weight exercises, when done properly, can be very effective for cardio training.  Which is perfect for people, like me, who hate to do a lot of cardio.  Unfortunately, we know, cardio is a crucial part in any fitness program.


Body weight routines work on the body’s balance and all of the core muscles much more than any machine based workouts.  With your body doing all the work, your core muscles must be engaged the entire time so as not to injure your low back, but to also to keep the body balanced.  Any sort of exercise where an arm or leg is being lifted off the ground will challenge the body’s balance and keep improving on it.  This is especially important because as we age, balance is one of the first things to go if it isn’t practiced.


Body weight exercises are such a great addition to any workout program or as a fitness routine by themselves.  It’s a very inexpensive and easily accessible way to workout since all you really need is your body and maybe a bar for some sort of pull up variation.  No gym membership or a lot of expensive equipment is required to get a full body resistance and cardio workout session in anywhere, so there are no excuses!

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