Tune in and drop IN for the annual transformation to Schooner Wharfstock! Join the scene for a week of peace, love, and music–Woodstock style! Get groovy with tie-dye and flower power fun on Wednesday, October 23rd for Costume Contest at Schooner Wharf Bar.

Cosmic hippie chicks and groovy dudes don your bell bottoms, love beads, headbands & join the scene. Dance to live music by That Hippie Band, a group of local peace-lovin’ musicians, reaching back in time for favorites by Woodstock legends. The fun starts at 7:00 p.m. Prizes awarded for The Most Cosmic Hippie Chick and Grooviest Dude.

Schooner Wharf will be decorated all week with their Wharfstock vibe! So drop in to the scene and step back in time — and tune in for amazing music, psychedelic décor, cold drinks and great galley fare. The popular Hemptones Band will be performing on Friday and Saturday night…..be hip and join the fun!  Schooner Wharf Bar, 202 William St. For more information, call (305) 292-9520 or visit Schoonerwharf.com or Facebook.

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