Virtual City Commission Meeting

The Key West City Commission is holding a special virtual meeting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, August 19th. The agenda is available on the City’s website at

The community can participate in the meeting in several ways:

  1. Listen to the meeting via phone: You may listen to the audio only from your phone by dialing 1-646-558 8656 and when the meeting ID is requested, enter 950 463 489 and then press the # key.
  2. To participate via Zoom on your computer enter
  3. Tune in live to Key West Comcast channel 77 or AT&T channel 99.
  4. Watch the meeting online: You may access Key West City TV live by visiting:, click on meetings/live TV then click on “watch Key West City TV Live.”  Click on the play button to view. Note: You may have to adjust your browser settings for optimal streaming.  Not all browsers support flash.

How to provide public comment prior to the meeting:

To make an eComment, click the “agendas and minutes” button on the City’s home page. Next to the current agenda, you’ll find an eComment link on the right side of the screen for the appropriate meeting.

Or you can click on to get to the agenda. Click on the eComment link on the right side of the screen for the appropriate meeting.

You may also provide written comments by emailing City Clerk Cheri Smith by 3 p.m. August 19th at [email protected].  All other written comments received by the deadline will be distributed to the Mayor and Commissioners and the appropriate staff prior to the start of the meeting.

How to provide comment during the meeting:

To request to speak during the virtual meeting, please sign up to speak through eComments prior to the start of the meeting to be placed on a list. The last four digits of the phone number you call in on will need to be provided in your eComment, this will be used to identify you as the speaker. Please dial *9 when your item comes up on the agenda.

You will need to follow the instructions on listening to the meeting via phone, when your name is called, you will be unmuted and you will have 3 minutes to speak. The average number of words for a three-minute speech is between 300 and 350 words.

For those individuals who may not have access to view the meeting by any of the virtual means provided above, there will be a laptop setup outside of City Hall for live streaming.  Please practice social distancing and keep six feet away from those around you and wear a mask. If you would like to speak on an item, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 305-809-3835.

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